The Midnight Runners World Tour Challenge is a collective challenge for all of the Midnight Runners crews around the world.
Accumulating all of our running kilometres, we want to connect the Midnight Runners cities from east to west. Our goal is to run a route that connects each of the 11 different Midnight Runners Cities within a month:
Sydney -> Hong Kong -> Berlin -> Barcelona -> Paris -> London -> Boston -> NYC -> Toronto -> L.A -> San Francisco

The total distance? 28,967.59 km or 17,999.63 miles.
What's a challenge without a bit of competition? Alongside the world tour challenge, we are pitting each crew to go head-to-head to run the most miles before we reach the grand total.
The city that runs the most kilometres by the end of the World Tour challenge wins the CITY vs CITY Challenge, global bragging rights, and the custom made MIDNIGHT RUNNERS WORLD TOUR TROPHY!
Make sure you join your city challenge as well as the main "Midnight Worldwide Challenge"
- Join the World Tour Challenge
- Click the green "Sign In to Join Challenge" button
- Sign in to an existing Challenge Hound account, or sign up if you are new to Challenge Hound. You can sign up using your email address or Facebook
- Now that you are signed in, click the green "Join Challenge" button for the Midnight Runners World Tour
- Got that? GREAT! Now it's time to represent your city's crew: sign up to your [ Your City ] Crew - City VS City Challenge to help your city become champions!
- Connect your tracking platform ( Strava, Garmin, MapMyRun ) . Your tracking app will automatically update your kilometres/miles to the platform. You don’t have to worry about updating each activity.
- That's it! You've joined your challenges. You'll receive an email confirmations with the challenge details.
You are ready to rock!
We will be giving out prizes at different stages of the event! Keep your eyes peeled for what you can win...

When doing your runs make sure to take a selfie and tag @midnightrunners use the hashtag #MRworldtour