
Bienvenido a Midnight Runners Barcelona

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Find out what's happening on our social channels or check the Heylo app for all of our latest event information.


Bootcamp Run

Our signature event! The Bootcamp Run with music and exercise stops. Most of us run between 4:00min/km to 6:00min/km - but we stop every few km for bootcamp style exercises, led by the crew. At these exercise stops, fast runners workout for longer and chatty runners have a chance to catch up! Expect a lively group warm up and a yoga style cool down. And the most important part; a chance to chat and grab a drink afterwards!

Track Sessions

Track sessions are an opportunity to get back to basics, hone technique and improve pacing. These sessions definitely aren’t just for speedsters - ALL levels welcome.

Long Runs

Our Long Runs vary in distance and location and are a great way to explore the city or nearby trails. The routes are usually upwards of 15k and a mixed pace. With no bag drop, you need to arrive ready to run.

Party Runs

We love a party run, for Halloween, Mid-Summer or whatever excuse we can think of! These themed runs often involve a bootcamp run in fancy dress followed by a wild afterparty!


As a community, we’ve hosted one-off runs in cities all over the world, we’ve cheered each other on at countless marathons and teamed up for epic relays! Have an idea for a pop-up? Let us know and let’s assemble a team!

+ More

From a 5k time trial to a 24-hour relay, we’re always trying out new formats. Keep an eye out on Heylo for upcoming events and reach out to the crew if you’ve got an idea to share.

Midnight Runners is a volunteer-led, global community. These are the people who make Midnight Runners happen in your city, our Crew Captains:

City Lead
Laura Kolm
Blog Author
Treasurer of the Board